Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why do I Love Snow

Whenever I mention to someone how much I like snow I often receive looks or comments that suggest I am totally insane. Then often times my husband will call me "contrary Kate". I must admit at times the name can be quite fitting. As in the case why do I like snow so much. In reality I am a "fair weather" person. I do not like cloudy, rainy days or days when the wind chill factor is unbearably sharp. So why then, would I like snow so much? You know I didn't always have such an excitement over snow. But I do remember when my attitude changed regarding that cold white stuff.

We were living in the Silver Valley of north Idaho at the time. I'm not sure how many years my husband had been in the ministry. It was another Saturday morning where we were out on church visitation. I happened to be doorknocking with a sister in Christ named Maggie. Even though it was a chilly day, it was beautiful.

During the previous night it had snowed eight or so inches. It was a wintery wonderland. We didn't live in a big city with a lot of traffic. In fact, many of the roads had not even been plowed yet. The fresh snow covered everything---the surrounding mountains, the cars, trees, fence posts, sidewalks...... And then to top it all off the sun was shining so bright with a crisp, clear blue sky.

As you might imagine, not very many people were receptive in talking with us. They really didn't like the message we were trying to share. Plus they were anxious to shut their door and not let all that cold air inside their home. As we walked from house to house it was discouraging when there wasn't any good prospects from our efforts. But it was truly a beautiful day and God used that fresh beautiful white snow to encourage and bless our hearts.

Maggie & I had hoped for the opportunity to share the gospel and maybe see a lost soul trust Christ as their personal Saviour. The Lord brought to our mind how our awful, ugly sin had been washed away and we were cleansed white as snow. Just like the beautiful scene that surrounded us. That day I felt I got a little "I love you," from God. And each time since fresh snow always lifts my day and makes me want to sing....."Are you washed in the blood, in the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?" I can get quite an emotional high from it all.

That is why, I LOVE SNOW!!!! Tell me, how can a washed in the blood, born again Christian not LOVE SNOW? Hope you are having a good day today--God bless!

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