Thursday, July 15, 2010

But What About Mercy --Part 3

We have been talking about the loving, mercy of God through chastening.

Chastening produces a test of a our faith. Will we begin to view life from God's perspective now that God has our attention? Or will we continue to go our own way? Can we see God in the picture now? And most important, will we submit to God now?

We are exhorted to let the chastisement to have its perfecting work in us so that we may be "perfect and entire, wanting nothing." --James 1"4

Without the consequences the human heart will continue to gamble on the outcome. We do not need to be removed from the unpleasantness of our problems. We need to experience the unpleasantness to help us change.

In Hebrews we are told that it is not a "joyous" experience. Rather it is "grievous" but it will produce the righteous fruit of godliness in the believer who is "exercised thereby." --Hebrews 12:11

To cut short the trial by removing the grievous consequences is to short-circuit the merciful effort of God to deliver us from our self-centered living.

Chastisement and consequences are part of the rebuke, correction and instruction in righteousness that equip us for usefulness in the future.

[Being chastened by God is difficult sometimes painful. But knowing God has a divine purpose can make it easier for us to submit and obey. We know God always has our good in mind. We can trust He is doing the best for us. It will help us to grow toward fruit of righteousness and to turn from living a self-centered life.]

--My thoughts along with excerpts taken from Jim Berg in Changed in His Image.

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